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Writer's pictureDr. Lucinda Mallory

10 steps to defeating Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue effects millions

Are you constantly drained and wondering what could be the issue?

Its fairly normal to be tired at the end of a busy and stressful day; it's another more complex issue if you are always tired as in chronic fatigue. If this is the case; you may have an adrenal gland dysfunction.

Your adrenal glands are situated on top of your kidneys. They tirelessly secrete hormones that increase our blood pressure, help us deal with stress and are responsible for the hormones that help us go into fright or flight. 

Imagine if you were always upset or stressed ; your adrenals would be working arduously to keep you safe and functional in stressful situations.

If this happens chronically, your adrenal glands can become drained or exhausted. Because they are overworked; your body becomes adapted to this stress response. Your adrenal glands can become overworked , so to speak. Then you may start to notice that you have abnormal fatigue, even when rested. Your blood pressure may be a little low and you may even have cravings for salt or sugar. These are all symptoms of hypo or low functioning adrenal glands aka adrenal fatigue.


Adrenal burnout is a more chronic state of hypo-adrenalism. This refers to not only severely exhausted adrenals which produces minimal amounts of hormones; it also depicts a person who has chronic fatigue.


#1: 2.5 million people suffer from adrenal fatigue; most are misdiagnosed.

Adrenal glands are two triangle-shaped situated above the kidneys

adrenal glands lay atop the kidneys

#2 Adrenal glands are two triangle-shaped situated above the kidneys (as shown in picture).

#3 The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system and are responsible for the control of flight or fright hormones, cortisol and adrenaline.

#4 When someone is constantly stressed out, their adrenal glands may stop producing healthy levels of cortisol. 

#5 Adrenal Fatigue is a term that is often applied to these non-specific symptoms scubas body aches, depression, fatigue nervousness, sleep issues and perhaps digestive issues.

#6 65% of adults claim they utilize exercise or walk to help manage stress. 

Other signs of adrenal fatigue:

Stress and adrenal fatigue

-A weakened immune system

-inability to handle stress or to focus

-Frequent urination

-upset stomach

-Loss of body hair

- Dizziness when standing up

- Joint aches and pains

- Food cravings for salty food

-Low blood pressure 

- Decreased libido

- Skin Hyperpigmentation

- AM fatigue

- Mild depression

- Overuse of stimulants

Adrenal Insufficiency/Burnout:

Fit Vine Wine

Adrenal burnout is more chronic than adrenal fatigue; the person experiences more extreme symptoms , such as:

- Extreme fatigue

- Weightloss/decreased appetite

- Darkening of your skin (not a sun tan)

- Salt craving

- Low blood pressure/fainting

- Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

- Muscular joint pains

- Irritability

- Depression

- Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting

- Loss of body hair

- Sexual dysfunction in women

If you or your loved one is experiencing at least 7 of the above symptoms; it might be helpful to seek out a holistic practitioner or schedule a consult with Dr. Lucinda Mallory by emailing us at who can check their adrenal glands via saliva. 


#1 Get serious about eating more protein and fiber-rich foods ; avoid sugar and watch the caffeine 

#2 Set your sights for daily exercise ; a moderate dose only

#3  Sleep between 7-9 hours; sleep early and arise early if possible. No TV, cell phones  or computers before bed. Turn off your modem(cell service) at night.

#4 Consider daily meditation to help with stress

#5 Consider taking Adrenal support supplements


Since stress management is key to averting any potential damage to the adrenalglands caused by abnormal cortisol levels etc..Let's take a look at the following botanicals, minerals and supplements that create an 'adaptogenic' effect (help balance adrenal hormones) ...

1- Licorice Root: this herb is great for people who do not produce enough cortisol. It may help with adrenal fatigue and low blood pressure; not recommended for people with hypertension and regulates cortisol.

2- Vitamin D: If low; there is a link between cortisol and aldosterone over-production.

3- Rhodiola Rosea: An adaptogenic herb that has been shown to enhance mental performance and fatigue levels.

4- Ashwaganda: an adaptogenic herb that has been found to counteract symptoms of stress and decrease depression and anxiety.

5- TYROSINE: An important amino acid that is a precursor to neurotransmitters such as dopamine. It can aid in neurotransmitters; thereby helping in the production of dopamine and norepinephrine and support the body's response to stress.

6- MAGNESIUM: Magnesium deficiency is very common. It can Induce anxiety and HPA dysregulation. Optimal amounts in the body help support relaxation and good quality sleep.

7- HOLY BASIL LEAF: Acts as an adaptogen by helping balance adrenal hormones, especially cortisol. Improves cognitive function and cortisol levels at 300 mg daily .

The best form is in liquid tincture or pill form.

8- Vitamin C: The adrenal glands contain one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the body. Helps to mitigate the stress response. When given before a stressful activity; patients in a clinical trial showed lower blood pressure, faster salivary cortisol recovery and better subjective stress response (less bothered by stress). 

9- ADRENAL (BOVINE EXTRACTS): The extract from the adrenal glands from slaughtered cows  may contain hydrocortisone; which can replace cortisol If truly deficient. May boost energy and cognition.

Visit our online Nutri-Shop to shop all of the above supplements at a wholesale price

Contact Dr. Lucinda Mallory via email to consult further on any health issues

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