Oxidative Therapies
Increase Cellular Oxygenation
Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects.
Medical O3 is used to disinfect and treat microbial infections. The mechanism of action is the inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa. Ozone stimulates oxygen metabolism, and activates the immune system.
At a chemical level, ozone is made up of 3 oxygen molecules (O3). During the ozone therapy, the ozone segregates into O2 and a singlet O (oxygen). This becomes a highly oxidative, antiseptic purifier within the body.

Advanced Ozone Therapies:
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
- High Dose Ozone/UVBI: A stronger dose (gamma of 60-80) of ozone is exposed to over 300 ml of blood, then delivered with a pump system back to the patient. The purified blood is exposed to the full spectrum Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) before its re-entry into the patient's bloodstream. Great for chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, Lyme, and residual viral conditions like long Covid, herpes, and others.
- Minor Auto-Hemotherapy: lower amount of ozone given; easier and quicker for a patient at the beginning of a mild illness.
- Major Auto-Hemotherapy: utilized for any illness, inflammatory or auto-immune conditions. A higher concentration and volume of ozone is used. This is a mild-moderate ozone dosage placed into a 500 ml bag of saline and blood. The ozonated blood then passes through an Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) device for further anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The ozone and UVBI are synergistic and should be used simultaneously.
Acute and Chronic Ozone Therapies
Acute Infections and Chronic Joint Regeneration
- Prolozone Injections: this amazing therapy is an alternative, nonsurgical treatment that may be used for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain. It involves injection therapy of collagen-producing substances and ozone gas into the patient's connective tissue. Such injections have been shown to result in the reconstruction of damaged tissue. Prolozone therapy is an improvement over traditional prolotherapy because of its use of ozone, a substance that stimulates the body's ability to repair joints. Prolozone is used more commonly in Europe than in the United States.
- Sinus and Nasal Ozone: Treatments for sinus infections
- GI ozone: For gut health (RI)
- Auricular Ozone: Mild to moderate ozone is pumped trough an open stethoscope to allow the ozone to reach the sinuses, eustachian tubes and ears. Very direct and effective way to stop infections in the upper respiratory tract.
- Rectal Insufflation: Highly effective method to transport ozone to the liver via the hemorrhoidal veins. Great for detoxification, liver support and another way to help ozone permeate into the bloodstream.
- Vaginal/Bladder Insufflation: The practitioner will place a catheter into the bladder or vagina and dispense the ozone into one of these tissues. Used for pelvic or bladder issues.

Ozonated Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Hair, Skin, Body Rejuvenation
- AntiAging/Facial Restoration Injections: Performed with Platelet Rich Fibrin that is used as a scaffold for restoring collagen in the skin. Physician grade Micropen is utilized by a trained practitioner to deliver ozonated PRF.
- Hair Restoration: Ozone PRP injections can greatly restore hair growth by promoting growth factors in the scalp.
- Ozonated PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin): Helps restore youthful skin, removes discoloration, helps increase collagen production. hair loss and restoration...
- Ozone Sauna: This steam sauna capsule is delivered warm - hot steam. Then the ozone is delivered into the steam. This is one of the most effective ways to deliver ozone into the skin! Very effective for multiple skin issues, fungal or bacterial infections.
- Ozone Bagging: Ozone is placed inside a limb that has a bag around it in order for the ozone to remain in place. Used oftentimes for infections or diabetic issues.
- Ozonated Oils: Can be placed on outside of skin for infections or inflammatory conditions. Can be used in the mouth or eyes for local infections. Consult with your ozone practitioner first.
IV Therapies
Advanced IVs: We formulate and combine nutrients and phytochemicals for patients with chronic illness.
These advanced IVs will be ordered by a trained physician on location, who will evaluate your condition and look at labs to create your personalized, custom IV.
Nutritional IVs: Protection and prevention of our innate immune system is of the utmost importance. Once our immune system becomes compromised by illness, ongoing stress or poor nutrition, the pathogen in question can become opportunistic.

Nutritional IV Menu (no physician required):
Myers Nutrition Cocktail:
- Function: supports the immune system, provides energy
- Contains: B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium etc.
Hydration IV:
- Functions: supports the body in optimizing fluid retention.
- Contains IV saline, Magnesium and Minerals.
Migraine/Headache IV:
- Function: Supports vascular instability and reduces inflammation.
- Contains: Magnesium, B vitamins and IV fluids.
Immunity IV:
- Function: stimulates the immune system to prevent or treat infections.
- Contains: zinc, 10-15 g of vit. C, HCL and Saline.
Detox IV:
- Function: helps removes toxins from blood and stimulates the liver's ability to detox.
- Contains: liver nutrients, Bs, curcumin, ALA and glutathione as a boost at the end.

Advanced IVs: (must be ordered by a physician)
High Dose Vitamin C (HDVC):
- Function: therapeutic dosage of Vitamin C that creates a strong oxidative effect on the immune system.
- Contains: Vitamin C 30-100 grams.
- Required: G6PD test to ascertain oxidative stress
PK Push:
- This Infusion is for helping the body to detox from meds and chemicals. Strong liver stimulant.
Long Covid IV:
- Nutrients and amino acids specific to inflammation and vascular issues and neuropathy are utilized in combination to help ameliorate the spike proteins and graphene residues.
- This IV is specific to heavy metal detoxification
It also helps reduce plaque on arteries and increases circulation to the tissues.
- Ozone added to IV at end helps reduce inflammation in the blood vessels.
Alkalinization IV:
- For alkalanizing the bloodstream in many infectious disease states and cancer.
Amino Acid IV's:
- Mood Disorders
- Addiction